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Employer Bulletin | 4 December

Issue date

ACC has identified up to 500 MyACC accounts which are being investigated for fraudulent activity. The people behind the apparent fraud appear to have used MyACC to submit fraudulent travel reimbursement claims to ACC for financial gain. ACC Chief Executive Megan Main says it appears likely to have been perpetuated by several people and that there is currently no evidence that ACC’s cyber security has been compromised. Investigations are ongoing. 

In today’s Bulletin

  • Apparent fraudulent access to some MyACC client accounts
  • Results from 2023 Census available from May 2024
  • New Zealand election increases filled jobs for October
  • Linked employer-employee data: March 2022 quarter - NZ.Stat tables
  • Employment indicators: October 2023
  • Four Employment Relations Authority cases 

If you have any questions, about this case or other employment relation matters, you can call the Advice Line team on 0800 800 362.

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