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Employer Bulletin | 27 May

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The total volume of retail sales rose 0.5 percent in the March 2024 quarter, after adjusting for price inflation and seasonal effects, according to the latest figures released by Stats NZ. This followed falls in the previous eight quarters.

“In the March quarter we saw a modest increase in retail activity, with growth across most industries,” business financial statistics manager Melissa McKenzie said. “This followed two years of declines.”

Nine of the 15 retail industries had higher retail sales volumes in the March 2024 quarter, compared with the December 2023 quarter.
The biggest contributors to the rise in retail activity in the March 2024 quarter were food and beverage services, motor vehicle and parts retailing, recreational goods retailing and accommodation.

Retail sales were up in most regions. Thirteen of the 16 regions had higher retail sales values in the March 2024 quarter, compared with the December 2023 quarter, after adjusting for seasonal effects. Regional data is not adjusted for price inflation.

“Retail sales increased the most in Canterbury and Otago in the March quarter, which could have been influenced by more international visitors, an early Easter holiday, and special events such as SailGP and Warbirds Over Wanaka,” McKenzie said.

In today’s Bulletin

  • Employer pressures employee to resign
  • Employer walks back WFH permission and rejects medical certificates
  • Employer denies assault he was convicted for
  • Employee creating workplace drama loses personal grievance
  • Union correctly gave notice to initiate bargaining on behalf of zero employees
  • Employer does not investigate allegation or listen to employee’s explanation
  • Eight news updates of interest for employers including: Huge cost of workplace bullying and harassment estimated in new report, Business price indexes: March 2024 quarter, Wairarapa Moana ki Pouakani win top Māori dairy farming award, MBIE opens consultation on financial services reforms, Retail activity up in March 2024 quarter after eight declines, Advice for a successful ski season, Linked employer-employee data: March 2023 quarter, and Government sets out vision for minerals future.
  • Eight Bills open for submission

If you have any questions, about this case or other employment relation matters, call the Advice Line team on 0800 800 362.

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