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Employer Bulletin | 2 April

Issue date

Finance Minister Nicola Willis has announced a new credit aimed at assisting hardworking families with the rising costs of early childcare education (ECE). Starting from 1st July, parents and caregivers can receive a partial reimbursement of their ECE fees, with up to 25% of weekly fees refunded, capped at $75 per week. 

The initiative, called FamilyBoost, aims to alleviate the financial burden of childcare expenses, which can hinder families' ability to enter the workforce. Willis emphasises that this credit will directly assist families with young children and fulfill a campaign promise. The credit applies to fees incurred with licensed ECE providers after accounting for the 20 Hours Free and MSD’s Childcare Subsidy.

In today’s Bulletin

  • Changes to ACC Client Payments from 1 April 2024
  • Businesses offer employees work-style choices
  • Minister to meet Australian counterparts and Manufacturing Industry Leaders
  • NZ-EU FTA gains Royal Assent for 1 May entry to force
  • Concerns conveyed to China over cyber activity
  • Brynderwyns open for Easter
  • Families to receive up to $75 a week help with ECE fees
  • Four Employment Relations Authority cases, one Employment Court case and ten Bills open for submission.

If you have any questions, about this case or other employment relation matters, call the Advice Line team on 0800 800 362.

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