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Employer Bulletin | 19 December

Issue date

Legislation to repeal Fair Pay Agreements passed its third reading in Parliament earlier this week, achieving an early milestone in the Government’s 100-day plan.

“We have moved quickly, as the public expects us to do, to implement one of our 100-day priorities and remove this blunt tool before any Fair Pay Agreements were finalised,” Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety Brooke van Velden says.

In today’s Bulletin

  • Milestone reached on repeal of Fair Pay Agreements legislation
  • Extending 90-day trial periods to all employers
  • Annual current account deficit $30.6 billion
  • Employment Court: two cases
  • Employment Relations Authority: four cases

This is the last issue of the Employer Bulletin for 2023. The first issue in the New Year will be 12 January 2024. Have a safe and enjoyable holiday period. We look forward to your continued membership, support, and readership in 2024.

AdviceLine (0800 800 362) will be closing for the holiday period at 5pm on 22 December 2023 and will reopen at 8am on 3 January 2024.

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