From operations-level staff right through to senior and executive management, Selector's tools provide information for reference checking, best management practice, employee reward systems and performance management.
Find the right candidate
Selector is an online assessment that combines the accessibility of the Internet with the accuracy of a statistically-sound psychometric assessment to bring cost-effective behavioural profiling directly to your desktop.
Every day, around the globe, human resource managers, employers and professional recruiters appreciate Selector’s valuable contribution to candidate screening and selection, and the fine tuning of teams and work environments.
Selector measures a candidate's ability, personal style, ideal working environment, ideal job and their resilience to stress or pressure.
Clear decision making
Adding behavioural profiling to your recruitment regime gives you an extra dimension to the picture you create of each candidate. This provides insight into the candidate's character, beyond their technical qualification, that they may not have even been aware of themselves.
It is also important to note that these reports will highlight the persons cognitive abilities component ie verbal, numerical, logical and overall reasoning abilities.
No formal training is required to administer Selector and the easy-to-read report uses clear and concise language to evaluate and provide a comprehensive interpretation of each scale.
Using Selector assessment tools as part of your recruitment process, helps you hire the best candidates and identify the best way to keep great staff.
Exclusive member pricing
Special Member price $305 plus GST for full assessment including report and feedback.
Who do I contact?
Tom Langdale-Hunt
Business Central
P 04 470 9945
C 021 109 5551